KAZERNE LAB: Sustainable day care
The sheltered workshop, Twinkelbel, part of the care service provider Lunet, produces ceramics, which they sell to customers in their own gallery outlet. Designers Boaz Cohen en Sayaka Yamamoto (BCXSY) are working with them to develop sustainable products with added value. Together, using familiar materials and techniques, they are devising new products with a revitalised look.

Kazerne Lab
Within Kazerne Lab, professional creatives work cross-over with other (economic) sectors to develop products, insights, and incentives for topical issues. With their fresh perspective and outlook, they provide current social, cultural and economic issues with inspiration, new perspectives, and answers. That may sound rather pompous, but it is, in fact, an extremely practical process.
The Lab is not a physical workplace but a project that is worked on within the heads and studios of the participating designers.
Social Design Lab
The social design Lab explores the open question of how designers can contribute to a more liveable world of tomorrow.
Inventory Lab
In the inventory Lab, designers work with regional manufacturing industries on creating innovative inventory for hospitality ends.
Brabant C, Cultuur Eindhoven, Stichting Doen, Driven by Design, Metropool Regio Eindhoven, VSB fonds.
Cross-over Stamppot
Most of the products produced and sold by Twinkelbel could be described as ‘naive art’: bowls, vases and other household articles decorated with primitively drawn animals and other figurative designs in primary colours. In their Kazerne Lab crossover project, the designers from BCXSY and their clients are taking things a step further together.
It soon became clear that Twinkelbel’s clients have a great affinity with their own traditional Dutch culture. Experimental work with ceramics demonstrated that they responded better to and derived more pleasure from working with recognisable images and shapes rather than abstract designs. For example: they would rather paint an onion on a spherical form than on a rectangular surface. And so the idea for ‘Stamppot’ was born: using the recognisable shapes and images of onions, potatoes and carrots to decorate familiar homewares.
The ‘Stamppot’ concept has been expanded. From mid-September 2014, there will be an instruction manual with new colours and forms. Other sheltered workshops in the Lunet group will be able to use them to produce products with the same enhanced market appeal.
The concept was presented by Spazio Rosanna Orlandi during the Salone del Mobile 2014 in Milan.

Kazerne Social Design Lab
Thanks to the support of the DOEN Foundation, artists, designers and other creatives will be working on crossover initiatives to discover new solutions for societal issues. Taking a fresh look from a different angle, they will approach current social, cultural and economic issues with the inspiration and new perspectives required to find innovative solutions. This may sound rather high-flown, but it is in fact an extremely practical process.
• Boaz Cohen, Sayaka Yamamotho (BCXSY)
• Twinkelbel (Lunet zorg)
• Stichting DOEN
• Ruud Balk
• Dekkers communicatie
• Rosanna Orlandi