Marie Panken
2021–2021 | Kazerne Design Award 2021
2021–2021 | Impromptu Mini Graduation Show #2

Type of Thought
-Expo Kazerne Design Award 2021
Intrigued by the 140-year-old QWERTY keyboard, Marie Panken realized that thoughts alter and adapt as they move from mind via hand onto the page or screen. Type of Thought consists of four typing tools, each inspired by a modern art movement. “Do I want to let my mind run free, find new connections, cut through to the core or change my perspective? I switch between tools depending on my aim.”

Type Out + The Moving Alphabet
-Expo Impromptu Mini Graduation Show #2
Type Out and The Moving Alphabet are a research into the evolution of language and how the abstract characters of a keyboard are experienced physically. While her hands were getting used to the new, old way of writing on a type writer, this started to influence the way her thoughts could be translated into words.