8 March – International Women’s Day: Book Presentation ‘Critical Concepts For The Creative Humanities’

A growing number of publications and projects in both the academic and cultural world are accompanied by glossaries, dictionaries or lexicons. What creates the urgency to formulate these new or renewed academic and artistic vocabularies?

The 8th March celebrates the need for – and the possibilities of – a society on the move. We thought it was an appropriate moment for the book presentation ‘Critical Concepts for the Creative Humanities’ by university professors Iris van der Tuin and Nanna Verhoeff. This book is a dictionary of existing and new concepts: words that help to examine, interpret and critically examine our changing world. Moreover, it was the source of inspiration for the current exhibition ‘Between No-Longer and Not-Yet’, which will be in Kazerne until the end of April. During the presentation, guidelines are given on how to work with the theoretical concepts.

Tuesday the 8th of March 6 to 7 pm. You can join in two ways:

– Live on location. Click here to reserve your free ticket.
– Or watch the livestream via our YouTube channel.

Image: Phenomeneon by Pieke Bergmans and Panta Rhei by Jet Bergmans.